
Movie Review - Crónicas


John Leguizamo (who can play serious roles) portrays a tabloid reporter from Miami who is working on a story in Ecuador on a child serial killer called 'El Monstro de Babahoyo". The near lynching of a motorist due to a car accident leads Leguizamo to meet the motorist. The motorist dangles information about 'El Monstro" in an effort to get his story publicized and gain public sympathy to get out of jail.

The relationship between the characters is very intense and I began to wonder who is telling the truth. After a while I wasn't sure who was in control, the reporter, his producer or the inmate. Leguizamo's drive to get the story leads him further into a maze of lies and half truths. He wants to be the hero that breaks the news on who El Monstro is, but he's being led astray...or is he??

Who's leading who and where will it end? The plot is tense I was constantly trying to figure out everyone's motives and what really happened.

From the director, "Even a merciless killer can feel love to a point, the same way a good, kind family man can be filled with dark thoughts."


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