More Patagonia
I have decided to revisit our pics from our trip to Patagonia. Now that I figured out how to videoblog, I will post a few videos of our trip tomorrow.
A shot of the Bernal Glacier with our liferaft in the foreground

A picture that belongs in a calendar!

Our group in a Zodiac equipped with ice cutters to travel through the icefields. The captain went up to the glacier, chipped off several pieces of ice, placed them in individual glasses and poured each of us a cup of Jack Daniels.
As he served us, he says, "Here you go. 12 year old whisky with 12,000 year old ice!"

The Whisky (on ice)

The Pour

Our cruise ship

Another picture of the ice fields that belongs in a calendar somewhere!

Our raft in front of the Bernal Glacier

The Kawesqar

This guy asked for 5 Chilean pesos for the 'privilege' of taking his pic with the basket we just bought. After a quick calculation we realized that we would be paying about 5 cents for the pic in US currency, we gave him the cash.
You know, when the Europeans discovered the Kawesqar, they found them so ugly, the enslaved them and put them on display in cages in Europe. You just gotta love civilization huh?
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