Lucky Gal
I was reading this story on CNN that explains how a first time skydiver's parachute failed to open and her reserve parachute failed to open completely.
She stuck the ground, stomach first and survived! She found out she was pregnant and the fetus is ok.
I was struck by two paragraphs in the story:
1. "I went into the first surgery where they cut me from ear to ear and they cut my face down and they took out all the fractured egg-shelled bones and put in steel plates."
That must suck terribly! Here's how she looks now:

Bu whe she goes to the airport she's going to give a TSA X-Ray tech a freaking heart attack! Here's how she looks in an x-ray:

2. Richardson said her due date is June 25. She plans to make her next parachute jump in August.
STUPID! Take a close look at the first picture and make a note, in August we will be seeing natural selection at work...
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