
Hurricane Update

Hurricane Katrina delayed the last post due to the lack of power.

Tips when power is lost for an extended period of time:
  • Florida is a steaming, hot, oppressively moist environment since it was as swamp before colonized. Get to AC as fast as you can.
  • Open your windows. This will freshen up your home, sort of.
  • Turn off you AC units. If you're not home when the power returns, your AC units will be running and the open windows from the previous post will make you waste the power you just saved by not having it available for THREE days.
  • If something smells, don't ignore it
  • If something smells, it's not your neighbor's problem
  • If something smells, it's probably your refrigerator
  • Start at the freezer. Meat doesn't keep very long, even if frozen.
  • Meat releases its own 'juice' when it melts. It also smells horrible.
  • The freezer is not hermetically sealed. Meat juice can, and will, flow downward into the rest of the refrigerator.
  • Meat juice stains
  • Milk spoils in heat
  • Butter melts
  • When you throw out your melted stick of butter, remember that the two other sticks of butter, in the box besides them, are also melted. This will save you a trip to the disposal.
  • The bottom of your front door is also not hermetically sealed. Put a towel there.
  • Do your laundry before the power goes out. Having no clean underwear and loss of power, do not make a good combination.
  • Leave your bathroom door open. Extractors don't work without power.
  • When throwing out the contents of your refrigerator, take the opportunity to throw out any old salad that may be lingering around
  • Know where your flashlight is. It's not easy to find it in the dark.
  • If playing a computer game under conditions where the power may fail, please save frequently.
  • If you have ice cream in the freezer, eat all of it as soon as possible.


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