Update #13a
Bathroom Mishaps
One interesting feature my bathtub has is that the knob that changes the flow from faucet to shower head comes loose pretty often. The fix is easy in that you have to loosen the screw cap and tighten the screw with a Phillips screwdriver.
On this particular morning, I was in a hurry and the water flow would not switch. I didn't want to go out of the bathroom, get the floor all wet just to get my screwdriver. I decided to use whatever tools I had at my disposal.
Soap wouldn't do. Neither would a shampoo bottle. Aha! I had a disposable razor! I could use that to pry open the cover. After that, well, I would worry about the rest of the task when I got to it.
So I thought that the head of the razor was thinner and more likely to be able to pop off the plastic cover over the screw. In order to get a good grip and put enough pressure on the cover, I thought it would be a good idea to grab the razor head tightly and put lots of pressure and voila! The cover would just pop off!
It just so happens that the best grip involved my thumb lying right on top of the set of twin blades with the lubricating strip. I put lots of pressure with my thumb and pushed down. The razor slipped a bit but the plastic cover didn't budge. I tried again! Now the engineering superiority of Gillette twin disposable razors, equipped with a self lubricating strip came to play!
Exactly as advertised, the lubricating strip lubricated. Unfortunately, in this case, instead of lubricating my beard stubble, it lubricated my thumb, which was then a prime target for the twin razors to slice into me. I dropped that razor faster than Michael Jackson would drop his pants at a kindergarten picnic!
I realized how incredibly stupid I was hold a disposable razor by the actual razor's edge. These thoughts were mixed in with a few carefully chose expletives, mainly aimed at my intellectual capacity (or lack thereof) as I hopped around in pain.
Mind you, I was in the tub, lest you forget. I quickly found out that hopping in a bathtub with soap on the floor was not a very intelligent thing to do. This particular thought came to me in a flash as I felt my footing give way and my head became closely acquainted with the tile on my bathroom wall.

And I have proof!

The Kitchen Diaries
I actually went shopping! It's been like what, three weeks? I bought easy stuff, garlic, spinach, eggs & milk.
I went all out tonight! I decided to tempt fate and mix food groups. I know, it's new territory for me but I have to take baby steps.
I decided that my grease intake was waay to low and I needed to remedy the situation. I was bringing down the US cholesterol average. I needed to make a sacrifice for my fat brothers & sisters.
I took out a steak to defrost. I made a discovery. If I buy the paper thin steaks they sell at Food Giant, they defrost in about 10 minutes! They also cook in about 2 minutes and that satisfies my two requirements, easy preparation, protein, tasty! I then decided to fry an egg. YES! Fellow blogospherians, I mixed dairy & meat. I could have breakfast & dinner in one sitting. That's how I like my food preparation...efficient! Killing two birds with one stone.
It took me about 10 minutes to find my other frying pan. So far I have only been using one pan for all my cooking needs. I was going to try & fit the egg & steak in the same pan, but it wasn't large enough.
The cooking event went off without a hitch. I have had experience cooking steaks & eggs before but never at the same time. It was a relatively painless process. With the notable exception of the various oil splatters that keep hitting me as I cook. I not sure if it happens to everyone, but it gets really annoying.
But without further ado, here is my latest creation!

As you may have already noticed, that plate looks familiar. As a matter of fact, if you must know, that is the same plate I have been using since I moved here.
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