
Update #10

A recap of events related to my mortgage:
  1. I wait like an idiot for a payment booklet that was never going to arrive
  2. I call 17 customer service reps in India to help me
  3. I get the correct lady and she tells me to cancel my first payment (even though it said completed)
  4. She walks me through setting up the correct payee
  5. I pay the first month's mortgage
  6. I wait a few days until my next pay period and I pay the next payment
Now I'm caught up with my payment right? Right! All this ended amicably on the 12 of July. I check my bank account on the 13th and imagine my surprise when I see that the first payment I made that I was told to cancel WAS POSTED TO MY ACCOUNT! I ended up making THREE mortgage payments in two days. I am soooo overdrawn the tellers are actually calling me at work to laugh at me. I am starting a non-profit foundation to help me out of this fiduciary hole that I have fallen into. I accept Paypal, Mastercard & Visa. No AMEX please, the fees are too high.

Fashion Show
I went to a fashion show on Monday. Yeah, surprising isn't it?

It was a very interesting experience. The girls are definitely unhealthily thin. I think I saw Gandhi & Karen Carpenter running around. I tried my luck at being a fashion photographer but I failed miserably. The real photographers needed too much light for my rinky dink camera phone to deal with. However, there were several interesting characters there!

Here's a picture of the goings-on as everything is getting set up. As you can see, there's a lot of hustle & bustle and lots excitement (apparently diseased thinness is now exciting).

Notice the girl at the bottom left? She is what we call an 'outlier' in the fashion industry. She is neither hustling, bustling or even excited. Honestly, I wasn't that excited either, but I hid it well.

I then saw this girl walking around. I wasn't quite sure if she knew a bird was currently, or had recently, nested on her head.

The fashion industry is notoriously fickle, and things change very quickly. They have very little tolerance for errors or lack of excitement.

The un-excited, un-hustling girl was quickly replaced by a marginally more excited, yet still un-hustling fellow.

I'm not sure what was going on at the right side of the stage but in both cases the girl & guy were fascinated by...nothing.

Also note that the lady in the front row wearing the black & white striped shirt has not moved her head in half an hour.

I was curious about the state of the fowl that may or may not be in the girl's head. I snuck up behind her and took this shot.

Maybe she was confused and has one of those new cellphones.

"Excuse me, my bird is ringing. I have to answer this call."
Maybe she waiting for a call and tilting her head that way (as she did in both pics) helps get a good reception.

In the News

Who would've thought the muppets were predicting the future? Pigs in spaaaaace!!!


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