Update #12
Dietary Diaries
It's late and I don't feel like cooking. I also forgot to defrost this morning, so I sit eating a Peanut Butter sandwich. That was going to be the extent of my dinner but I was chastised into having some more food. I will follow the sandwich with a large portion of applesauce.
Weekend Escapades
For our two year dating anniversary, Jeanne and I accepted an invitation to spend the weekend at the Ritz-Carlton.
There's the room. The robes are all laid out, we also had chocolate covered strawberries waiting for us on a tray.
From the balcony, you can see the pool.

The pool is actually pretty shallow so it's very comfortable walking around in it. We also had a cabana reserved for us. You can't see the cabana from the above pic, it is just out of sight. It's a large mattress that can be covered by a cloth roof. Towels are furnished and so are various pillows. We were told that lunch and champagne were freely available. Niiiiice....
We decided to spend some time at the beach and we ate at the restaurant. By this time we knew that the service here was out of this world. Everyone at the restaurant and the pool knew our names.
After some time at the beach, we decided to hang out on the beach. It's pretty nice to be in the pool and have the pool-hands come by and get you a frozen bellini, daquiri or make a fresh melon martini in front of you.
Before the pool events, we dutifully reported to the spa for our couples massage. This was my first professional massage so I didn't know what to expect. It was an aromatic massage so I thought I could deal with it.
I got a male masseur and Jeanne got the chick. He kept pressing into various part of my back and asking me if it hurt. I said, "no'. He was surprised because he felt a lot of stress in my body. I asked him where he felt the stress, he said in my neck and glutes. I did a double take! (I hope you did too!)
My GLUTES? The guy was telling me that I carried my stress in MY ASS!!! MY ASS my ass.
How the Hell can you carry stress in YOUR ASS? Maybe if you really have to go #2 but have to clench since you're giving a 2 hour long presentation. OK, that's major 'ass' stress. But sitting in an office and taking a dump whenever you want DOES NOT constitute 'ass' stress.
Of course, I didn't tell him this. So I just succinctly summed it up as, "I see."
Afterwards he told me to use the steam room and take a shower.
This was also my first time in a steam room and it was GREAT! Then the shower. The locker room attendant told me where the showers were and where the 'Power Shower' was.
C'mon. 'Power Shower'? How could I pass that up??
I walk into the Power Shower (PS), and I first off notice it is as big as my living room. You stand in the middle of the wall that is built in a semi-circle. Right along the wall there are two sets of three shower heads. They are one above the other and end up running up & down your arms.
Then there's a HUGE main shower head right above you.
I thought, "DAMN. I'm gonna BLAST dirt off of me!"
I turned that water on and I was clean in a second. Of course, tuning on the water was a puzzle, there were three different knobs in front of me. After experimentation, I figured out that you could vary the temperature of each set of shower heads independently.
So I ended up having hot water blast me from the sides as freezing water hit me from above. That was my brief experience of purgatory.
I wasn't able to take any pictures of the shower or other amenities. There is apparently a lot of 'nakedness' going on in spas and since I haven't had a chance to meet with my doctor about creating that chic 'must-have' marsupial pouch, I wasn't able to discretely carry my camera around.
I'm trying to get the posts shorter than usual since some of you have expressed distress at the fact that you can't quite digest so much stuff in one sitting (while you are at work).
Hello, this is the Chastiser, Jeanne. Man, I gotta take you food shopping and do more cooking lessons with you. Your recent culinary misadventures are depressing me.
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