
News Story

I was sent this story by a friend of mine...I think she was trying to give me a hint...this lady has now been officially demoted to 'acquaintance'.

Where do I start?

1. Figure out where your partner stands on the issue.
Are you celebrating this year?

Different values may be at play.
Nothing from Kmart or China.

3. Tell each other how you feel.
I want something.

Broaching the topic
So, what do you want?

For couples with lots of longevity:
Please stay alive.

Avoid buying gifts that fall into the category, ``Gift You Bought for Her So You Could Use it.''
Killing two birds with one shot. Perfectly acceptable. Much better if your friend can also use it.

Put enough time into the process to select a gift that shows you know her. No gift at all is almost better than a generic gift.
Cash is king.

Ask her for a wish list to guide you.
The operative word here is guide.

Don't buy anything you don't want her to open in front of her parents.
This is an excellent opportunity to end that tedious relationship you are stuck in and give all parties something to remember you by.

Fine jewelry is usually a safe choice when you can afford it.
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Forget subtlety. Give him a list of 12 things you'd like to receive, and ask him to buy just two or three. Make your list very specific: Include sizes, colors, where to buy each item and how much to spend.
Two or Three? Sounds like this story is biased (see point #10). How quickly we forget that point #8 was a wish list where no certainty was involved and it was intended merely as a guide.
How much to spend??? See point #7. Get your list, here's some cash, go get it yourself.

To minimize disappointment, remember that gifts are more important to women than they are to men.
I'll try to curb my disillusionment.

Don't read too much into a bad gift. It usually means that he's careless, not that he doesn't care. Reward him when he actually buys something you'd like.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Remind him to keep receipts. You'll need them to make exchanges!
Ingrate. You made the list. Live with it!

Merry Christmas.


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