Things I Miss
- Learning to drive - the exhilarating sense of newfound freedom!!
- Playing kickball
- Playing tag
- Underoos! - I was a little bad ass running around in my aquaman underoos (yeah, nice image huh?)
- My hair
- Elementary school - where everyone is smart! And you get nap time!
- Being a kid, ordering something through the mail, and having it come addressed to you. Someone out there took you seriously!
- Going to the arcade, when games were 25 cents
- Thinking that $5 was a ton of money
- Taking comparison shopping seriously. Go to Lionel Playworld then to Toys R Us and compare selection & price
- Not knowing how to read - Everything was such a mystery
- Watching cartoons on Saturday morning (Captain Caveman, Dungeons and Dragons, He-Man, Smurfs, Transformers (Decepticons...DESTROY!!!))
- Having adults tie my shoes
- Not knowing my multiplication tables
- Having only 4 channels to watch
- Proudly ordering a Happy Meal, and really being happy about it
- Looking at my Big Wheel in disdain as I moved up to a tricycle
- Being really really happy at getting the chance to eat pizza
- College friends
- My last job - Yeah, it was fun
Underoos...ahh comfortable underwear, you gals get to wear panties, now the guys have...manties!!
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